Parents getting their kids ready for going back to school typically write up a list to make sure they don’t let any details escape their attention. To-do priorities can include shopping for clothing and school supplies as well as working out carpooling arrangements and scheduling extra-curricular activities. One important task that your Castro Valley dentist wants parents to remember to take care of is bringing their children in for a back to school dental exam.
The back to school season is a perfect opportunity for a regular dental exam for children since the dentist might detect signs of tooth decay that need correction immediately.
Benefits of a Pediatric Dental Exam from Our Dentist in Castro Valley
Our dentist in Castro Valley wants to remind you of the importance of establishing good oral care habits in children so their teeth will serve them well throughout their life. Regular appointments, ideally once every six months, have a benefit of normalizing trips to the dentist, so kids will get used to the dentist and will continue to do so when they become adults.
If your child has poor oral hygiene, the dentist will detect signs of it now, and can then teach your child how to properly brush teeth, using age-appropriate lessons. When the dentist catches the early stages of tooth decay, there is a chance to intervene before fillings are required. Likewise, if your kid has a habit of thumb sucking or biting fingernails, the dentist will notice this and will explain why these are habits that should be dropped as soon as possible.
Make an Appointment for a Back to School Dental Exam at Your Children’s Dentist in Castro Valley
Before you know it, summer vacation will be over and it will be time for kids to head back to school. You can get them off to a good start by making sure their teeth get checked while sitting in the dentist chair. For details about the various dental services we provide or to set an appointment with your preferred children’s dentist in Castro Valley, please contact Redwood Canyon Dentistry today.
When was the last time your child came in for a dental checkup and cleaning? Let us know in the comments section.